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Working Mama

For Inaara’s preschool, she filled out a short questionnaire about her relationship with me. When asked what mommy says to you a lot, she replied with “I love you”. When asked what we do together the most, she replied “play together”. When asked what does mommy like to do, she replied with “likes to go to work“.

At first, this made me think that Inaara thinks all I like to do is go to work, and maybe she feels that I don’t like to spend time with her, or whatnot. However, thinking about it for a while it made me realize that Inaara will understand the value of her mom going to work. She may not think this 3 dimensional right now, but she will come to understand that her mom works really hard; she went to school for the last 10 years so that she could take care of her patients and treat their oral health, take care of her staff so they have employment, and take care of herself because working brings her joy and allows her to be the best self she can be when she is at home with her kids.

Whether we are stay at home moms (which to be honest is way to hard for me to ever accomplish – I salud those women who stay home to care for their children. Their job doesn’t even compare to mine), or we are moms who leave the house to go to work, or we are moms who need to travel for work, or run a social media account, or an online business, or work from home — we are ALL MOMS who are doing our best to take care of our children. To provide them with our best selves, and to give them the opportunities that we may not have had when we were younger or to show them what a momma truly is.

Whatever form of work we do, our daughters and truly our sons, need to see an example of a mom who is waking up every single day and doing what she needs to do to be the best version of herself for them.

