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Becoming a Practice Owner

I alluded to some tips and tricks that I picked up in dentistry along the way, as an associate. Here are some things to think about:

When you first become a dentist, there are many weaknesses we have. First and foremost is clinical weakness. The best way to become competent is by repetition. The more dentistry that you can do, the more that you can help patients, treatment plan and communicate, the far better you will become. Working in a larger group practice where you can see many patients, take care of them and complete dentistry the better you will become. Learning how to accept “no’s” from patients and turn them into “yes’s” with proper coaching from your owner doctors, office managers, and treatment coordinators the better you will become at case acceptance. When beginning as a dentist, you want to make sure that you keep your skill set narrow: fillings, crowns, simple extractions. You want to make sure that you can manage patient fears, obstacles, post op complications and any financial barriers that they may have. We want to be able to manage our patients and their concerns before doing treatment that we can’t manage.

Once you are comfortable and competent in general dentistry, you have a fairly high patient case acceptance, you are helping grow a strong hygiene program and you are writing the appropriate narratives to be paid by insurance companies and limit denials then you are ready to start expanding your clinical expertise. At this time, you want to start taking some very basic CE courses on simple root canals, surgical extractions, managing complications, implant restorations, and possibly anterior cases. These treatments have complications that we want to make sure we can manage and have proper expectations with patients.

Stay tuned for more tips/tricks. Drop a comment below to help new grads and associates become competent dentists!

