This year, we all sat around the table and decided that we were going to talk about our peaks and lows of 2022. It was interesting because our peak was that Inaara was safely discharged from the hospital after fighting for her life with bacterial meningitis or that her cochlear implant surgery was successful and she is moving forward with hearing & spoken language. Our lows were all the same – Inaara being admitted to the ICU for bacterial meningitis.
We all seemed to move away from the fact that in 2022 we welcomed a new member into our family, Halden. We moved away from the fact that despite the challenges we faced with Inaara, she is profoundly deaf and will never hear again naturally. We seem to focus on one peak and one low for the whole year but we fail to realize that the year is filled with many peaks and there may be one moment that really sticks out in our mind, but the whole year is built on many highs and many lows.
As a mom, wife and business owner I have many peaks and many valleys and Halden being healthy and thriving and happy made me realize that we need to spend more time focusing on all the challenges that we’ve faced and overcome vs. all the difficulties that we tend to dwell on.
In 2022: Halden was born; Inaara survived bacterial meningitis; Inaara can hear with the help of cochlear implants; we successfully completed a move from Southern California to Spokane, WA; and I purchased my own dental practice and coming into my own as a dentist. There are so many positives and if we add them all up, they definitely outweigh the negatives. It’s hard for me to focus on the good because I tend to let the one bad eat away all the good I’ve experienced.
My goal for 2023 is to spend less time dwelling on the lows of 2023 and spend more time focusing on the peaks that will make this year wonderful.